Ananda Marga New York

Ananda Marga Yoga and Meditation Center

Ananda Marga After-school Program (LEAD)

Ananda Marga New York Sectorial Office

Ananda Marga, Inc.
149-02 Melbourne Avenue
Flushing, NY 11367
Tel. +1-718-898-1603

Main Activities:

  • Dharma Cakra (Collective Meditation)
    Every Sunday, 12 p.m. – 3 p.m. (except on the First Sunday is Akhanda Kiirtana)
  • Akhanda Kiirtana: The First Sunday of the Month 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.
  • Individual Meditation Lessons. Contact us for an appointment.
  • Yoga and Meditation Classes: Small group and one-on-one yoga classes by appointment. Contact us for time availability.
  • Special Events: Such as Ananda Purnima Celebrations and various Ananda Marga Festivals. Announced on the Facebook Page.
  • Afterschool Program: Monday to Friday, 2 p.m. – 6 p.m. for children Pre-K to Grade 5.

The New York Sectorial Office is the administrative headquarters of Ananda Marga in New York Sector (North America, Central America, the Caribbean Islands, and the Hawaiian Islands) and has offices, a yoga and meditation center, and an afterschool program.

Spiritual Programs: The Ananda Marga Center has regular spiritual programs that include: weekly Dharma Cakra on Sundays 12 p.m. – 3 p.m., the First Sunday of the month Akhanda Kiirtana from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Dharma Cakra and Akhanda Kiirtana are spiritual programs that include mantra chanting (Kiirtana), collective meditation, spiritual talks, and discussions.

Yoga and Meditation Classes: The Center has mostly small group and one-on-one yoga classes on an appointment basis. Individual meditation instruction is available on an appointment basis.
Private yoga classes in Flushing: $50 per session. $75 per session for outside of our center.

Please fill out the contact form here below or call tel. 718 898 1603

After-school program in Flushing

Afterschool Program: The school area has three classrooms and a capacity of up to thirty-six children. The after-school program is academic-based and focuses on helping children with school homework. Enrichment programs are also offered as time allows, such as drawing, playing outside, yoga, meditation, and music. The children are picked up from the nearby public schools and are served vegetarian snacks before starting their homework and other activities.

If you would like to be added to the events mailing list, please fill out the form below. There are two mailing lists. One for all of North America, Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean, and another one for the Center and Ananda Marga in the New York area. If you sign up, you can expect to receive 1 – 4 emails per month. Please specify which list you would like to be added to.

Contact Ananda Marga in New York

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