
The philosophy of Ananda Marga covers both the spiritual and the social, and combines the two in a unique and universal vision:

Spiritual Philosophy

The spiritual philosophy of Ananda Marga recognizes that God is one, and that the universe is the creation of His mental thought-waves. Thus it is said: “Brahma is the absolute truth, and the universe is also truth, but relative.” The diversities of this universe are the transitory transformations of part of His infinite cosmic “body” in a never-ending flow. This implies that life and the universe will never end, but that parts of it are continuously being created from Him and concurrently merging back into Him, everyone on their own journey towards self-realization. Read more…


Social Philosophy

To establish harmony between the spiritual and material worlds, Ananda Marga advocates a balance between the internal and external aspects of life. Self-realization is the foremost duty of human beings. But at the same time we cannot neglect our social duties and responsibilities, as this world is also a part of the Supreme Being. The universe, having been created of and by Him, exists within Him – is a part of Him. As such, all created beings are His children, part of the one cosmic family. Love for His creation is the same as love for Him. Read more…


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