Congratulations! If you are starting this course, it means you are already experiencing a deep internal attraction to discover the full potential of meditation and are preparing yourself to receive diiskha (initiation).
This course is designed to help you be fully prepared to take one of the most exciting and fulfilling decisions of your life: to receive “Tantrika Diiksha” or initiation into the Ananda Marga system of yogic meditation.
In this video, Didi talks about how can you prepare fertile soil so that when you receive the seed of Ista mantra, it can grow beautifully and give an abundance of fruits. She also gives an overview of the whole “Ready to Fly” course, that will help you take your meditation and spiritual life to the next level.
This is a playlist of several videos. You can see the whole playlist in the upper right corner of the video, which says 1/6.